Financial Counselling 

Midlas Financial Counsellors offer a free service to help you address financial difficulties.

Everyone has different needs, at different times in their lives. Some people just want to ask a few questions about their consumer rights, or get some guidance on navigating grant or hardship applications. Some want a full analysis of their financial situation and options for improvement. Others want tips to make life a little easier, or support to improve their current money management skills.

We can help with a wide range of issues including, but not limited to:

  • Budgeting information, advice, tips, and resources to help you set up a budget that works for you
  • Providing you with options & tools to deal with debt
  • Providing information on your rights as a consumer and helping with complaints on every level including the  Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) and other Ombudsmen
  • Providing information about debt consolidation options including Part IX’s and your alternatives (Note: We do not administer Part IXs)
  • Giving neutral information around bankruptcy
  • Giving information in regards to finding and accessing superannuation and insurance
  • Advocating on your behalf with creditors and financial institutions when you are not able or supported to do so
  • Assisting with complaints to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA)
  • Provide education and training to help you take control of your finances, and
  • Assistance with WA No Interest Loan Scheme applications and Water Corp Water Assist & Start Over applications.

Did you know? Most appointment time is spent trying to remember your expenses! Get the most out of your appointment and come prepared:
Think about your expenses (living and fun) before you come in. Either jot down what it is and how much it costs on a bit of paper, or follow a budget guide: Excel version here or online version here. Both can be printed out and brought with you or saved and emailed to your advocate.

Other things to bring along include:

  • Any letters or bills related to the issue
  • Income details (payslip or Centrelink income statement)
  • Medical evidence, if relevant
  • Bank statements

Case Studies



Useful Links

Centrelink Payment Finder
Find out if you’re eligible for a payment

Money Smart
Free financial guidance tools and information including Budget Planner and Divorce and Separation Financial Checklist

WA No Interest Loan Scheme
No interest loans for people receiving Centrelink income support

National Debt Helpline
Call 1800 007 007 for free confidential help and advice

Energy Ahead
Take control of your energy use through free energy audits, coaching and workshops

Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA)
Fair, free and independent dispute resolution for financial complaints

Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman
For complaints regarding your phone and internet service

Ombudsman WA
For complaints in regards Western Australian public authorities including State government agencies, statutory authorities, local governments and public universities

Energy and Water Ombudsman WA
For complaints related to your gas, water and electricity provider

ACCC (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission)
Information and advice for consumers

Financial Wellbeing Collective
As part of the network Midlas clients are able to attend any other member agencies no matter where you live

Consumer Credit Legal Service (WA) Inc.
Provides legal advice and representation to consumers in WA in the areas of credit, banking and finance

Department of Commerce WA
Information about consumer protection, housing and accommodation, consumer rights, businesses, licenses and registrations, charities and associations and complaints

Australian Financial Security Authority
For information on personal insolvency and form Debt Agreement such as Part IXs