An important role that the Midland Information Debt & Legal Advocacy Service Inc (MIDLAS) provides to the community is the coordination of highly efficient and accurate information about other services and organisations. Many clients contact MIDLAS seeking assistance for a wide range of issues. This may include anything from property law information to home care services to drug and alcohol counselling (just to name a few). Although MIDLAS cannot assist with every issue that is presented, we do operate as the information centre of the North East metropolitan area of Perth. We provide up to date, relevant information and referrals to clients so they can navigate to the most appropriate service to meet their individual needs. MIDLAS believes strongly in providing a source of referral and support for clients seeking assistance outside the service scope of MIDLAS’ current capability.
In order for MIDLAS to distribute as much free information as possible, we utilise social media platforms to disseminate essential information to the community. As more and more people access online information using their smart phones, ipad’s and laptops, etc MIDLAS is there to assist. MIDLAS uses all the new technologies and mediums to empower disadvantaged and vulnerable people so they can receive relevant and professional help at a time that suits them. To view MIDLAS social media platforms, simply click on the links provided at the end of this article.
Over the next few months, we will be highlighting really useful innovations from organisations in our network. We will showcase the incredible work they do and share the benefits of their programs. This week we would like to introduce you to the Belmont Clothes Library. This organisation provides eligible clients with appropriate attire to attend job interviews. The concept is very similar to that of a toy or book library. The Belmont Clothes Library allows you to borrow (rather than buy) a great outfit that will make you look and feel more confident and job ready.
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