This week begins Disability Awareness Week from November 28th through December 3rd. State wide events will be running this week to celebrate the achievements of people with disabilities and to raise awareness about people with disabilities; their families and carers. The most important part of this week is to raise awareness and promote a positive image of people with disabilities as valuable members of our community.
“The week raises the profile of the achievements of people with disability and also highlights the challenges they and their families and carers sometimes face. Disability Awareness Week will culminate in the Count Me In Awards, on International Day of People with Disability, which celebrates the contribution many West Australians make towards a better life for people with disability and their families. More than 160 community groups and organisations are participating in the week, spreading the word that everyone wants – and needs – to be counted in (Disability Services Minister Simon O’Brien).”
Almost 4 million Australians have a disability; that’s 1 in 5 people. 2.2 million Australians of working age (15-64) have a disability. The alarming statistic is that of those 20% of Australians with a disability, 88% are not visible. The theme ofr Disability awareness week is ‘Together for a better world for all: Including persons with disabilities in development.’ (www.everyaustraliancounts.com.au)
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